General Agreements

We are happy to welcome you to Kindermusik at Pathways to Learning family. Please take a moment to review our enrollment agreements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or by email.

Our Mission at Pathways to Learning, Inc Kindermusik is to provide your family with a class that promotes Joy, Safety, and Value.


Children are sponges and we love giving them wonderful things to soak up. Each and every Kindermusik activity is based on research and designed for whole child learning at specific developmental stages.  The fun and joy you will experience in class is part of the community we are building together.

Our joyful task is to facilitate these activities, share information about your growing child, and provide opportunities to strengthen YOUR BOND with your child. YOU are your child's most important teacher.


We are committed to a classroom that is clean and healthy for your family, and ensuring that participation is safe for all those involved. Our instruments and manipulatives are cleaned and sterilized regularly. Hand sanitizer, tissues, and disinfecting wipes are always available, as are areas for changing diapers. Caregivers are welcome to nurse/bottle feed infants anywhere they are comfortable.  Due to food allergies and to keep everyone safe, it is important that all other food be consumed outside the classroom area (in the waiting area in Red Hook).

Everyone will be asked to remove their shoes in the indoor classroom.  Young children learn a lot from the stimulation on the bottoms of their feet whenever possible, plus it helps us keep the classroom space clean for everyone. You may wish to wear socks and are welcome to bring slippers if it makes you more comfortable.

If you or your child are sick, be considerate of other children and adults in our classes and stay home to get better. Opportunities for makeup classes are available with other classes in your child's age group, so get well!

For the safety of our babies siblings, younger than 5, are not permitted to attend Kindermusik Foundations Level classes with the exception of outdoor classes. The whole family is invited to participate in the Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 Sharing Time at the end of class. Enrolled siblings may attend with their sibling if necessary. Please let your teacher know if you have situations involving a non-enrolled sibling? We can work things out on an individual basis.


You have made a financial investment in our program, and we want to be sure you know how to get the full value of this commitment. First, be excited about coming to class consistently and on time (the classroom space is open to you 5-8 minutes prior to your class start time). Research shows that the continuity and longevity of an ongoing Kindermusik experience is the greatest benefit to your child's development. We will regularly evaluate the appropriateness of each specific curriculum for your child and be sure they are receiving the best experience possible each and every class.

Second, commit to spending time with your child using your home materials frequently. It builds their confidence, positively influences their class experience, expands their learning, and strengthens their bond with YOU.

Thirdly, make a note of the many FREE opportunities and resources available as to you as a Kindermusik family, such as online articles and downloads, and Bonus Days and scheduling unlimited make up classes with our age appropriate offerings. We are dedicated to you as a support professional (check your email regularly and join our facebook page to stay up-to date.)

Remember, with our unique subscription model, you can join us at any time as long as there is space in the class.  You don't have to worry about when to make a payment.  We'll automatically charge your credit/debit card for tuition which is due on the 1st of each month.  Your spot is always saved for you but if you need to change your enrollment status, just let us know in writing 30 days in advance. Please note your final payment will be prorated based on the number of classes available to your child as determined by the date 30 days after you notify us in writing. Written notice can be provided in writing to In response to your request our team will send you a confirmation with your final payment amount and last day of class.

If you aren't completely satisfied with your Kindermusik experience please let us know!

Warmly, The Pathways to Learning  Kindermusik Team

Teacher assignment

Please note that we reserve the right to substitute an alternate Accredited Kindermusik Educator as teacher in any class as needed.  We will do our best to notify you in advance of any teacher changes so that you and your child knows who to expect in class.  Note that all of our teachers are fully accredited to teach Kindermusik who receive extensive training and professional development.  It is our pleasure to work as team to provide you with the most consistent and high quality experience at our studio.

Class communication

There are a variety of ways we will communicate with you during your enrollment period.  Periodically we will email class information, if you would like to get this information please be sure the email is in your address book and safe list. We aim to post most other information about classes, photos from class, child development information etc on the private facebook group Please visit us there for some great information and collaboration. Finally, for most immediate text communications we are using REMIND again this year. You will recieve your code to sign up for our REMIND alerts if you desire. You can also find your class remind code here. Please also visit our Enrolled FAMILIES page where you will find our calendar, remind links, link to facebook page and more.


3 teacher cancellation days (including snow days) are built into our school year. If more than 3 teacher cancellation days are needed, classes may be added to the semester or scheduled during planned “breaks” at our discretion.  You may reschedule any classes you miss using our makeup scheduler online, Your enrollment must be active to schedule make up classes. In the event of closures out of our control including but not limited to government imposed shut downs, states of emergency, we will provide online classes at your regular classtime using the Zoom platform.

Cancellations will be announced using our text service Remind and email.  Please make sure you are connected to your class through remind so that you get these key announcements.  We will also post cancellations via email, on our private facebook group.

We offer unlimited makeup classes which means unlimited makeup classes as long as your enrollment is active. It is your responsibility to schedule makeup classes online by logging into your account and using our make up scheduling tool. It is also important to plan ahead and schedule your make up classes in a timely manner. We do our best to provide a variety of options for make ups but cannot guarantee availability. If you have any trouble please contact our team at and we will assist with this process. 


Class dates for the 2024-25 school year

September 10, 2024 – May 31, 2025

No classes the following dates (**subject to change)

November 25 - November 30, 2024 (Thanksgiving Break)

December 23, 2024 – January 3, 2025 (Winter Break)

April 14 th  - April 20th, 2025 (Spring Break)

May 24, 2025 Memorial Day

There are 32 classes guaranteed for the full school year enrollment.  Class tuition is prorated by the number of classes divided by the amount of months in our school year. It does not reflect a certain number of classes per month as some months have more/less classes than others. If you join us mid-month your rate will be prorated for that month based on the date you join us.

Kindermusik at Pathways to Learning Wavier Form

Continuing with your registration indicates your agreement to the above agreements and the following liability waiver.  You must notify us if you wish to change your photo agreement status to no photos otherwise we will assume that your answer is yes. Also please note attendance at any FREE and BONUS events indicates photo release for those events.

I understand that this waiver applies to this enrollment, and all future enrollments.   I understand that space has been reserved for my child in the class time I have chosen and that I am entitled to unlimited makeup classes which must be scheduled in online or outdoor classes only as long as my enrollment is active.  It is my responsibility to schedule make up classes or contact the studio with makeup requests in a timely manner.  I understand that the monthly payment option has been prorated and does not represent a certain number of classes per month, rather a number of classes for the entire enrollment period divided into monthly payments based on my start date. I have read through the enrollment agreements and understand them and agree to follow them.  Furthermore, I release any and all rights and claims for damages against Beth Anspach, Pathways to Learning, Inc. and Kindermusik with Miss Beth and Friends in the unlikely event of injury sustained by myself, my child(ren), or assigned caregivers during the course of or as a result of the musical activities or unanticipated exposure to COVID-19. I understand that it is my duty to inform any caregiver assigned to bring my child to class of this waiver. 

* Photo Release: I give permission for my child/ren to be photographed for online and print use.  No names will be utlized to identify persons in photos. I do so without expectation of compensation & with the understanding that these photos will be used exclusively by Pathways to Learning, Inc.  I also acknowledge that Pathways to Learning, Inc. may choose not to use my photo at this time, but may do so at its own discretion at a later date.  I agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any claims Beth Anspach, Pathways to Learning, Inc., it's teachers and agents.

PAYMENT Plans and information

Payment options for the 2024-25 School Year

Monthly - (school year) Automatically charged to debit/credit card on file the first of each month September - May.  Credit card must be on file for this option. $50 Deposit payment due upon registration. Remaining payments will be divided equally into 9 payments and will be due September 1 and then the first of the month October 1st - May 1st. The Deposit is taken from your monthly payments throughout the school year so your monthly payment will be less than the monthly rate. Please note tuition cancellations require 30 days notice in writing which allows us to credit you any unused deposit funds before issuing your final payment. Final payment due May 1st.

Quarterly Payments (School year) (save 5%) 4 equal payments due

 1.       Upon enrollment

 2.       November 10, 2024

 3.       January 19,  2025

 4.       March 21, 2025

Bi-annual payments  (Save 10%) 2 equal payments due

 1.       Upon enrollment

 2.      January 19, 2025


Your tuition will be prorated from the date you enroll if you enroll beyond the start of the series.

Available Discounts

Sibling discount - 10% discount on 2nd child enrolled from the same family, 20% discount on 3rd child enrolled from the same family.

Family discount -  40% discount for additional children from the same family enrolled in the same class. (all-ages classes only)

# Classes for full school year enrollment = 32

# Classes for short sessions = 3 (mini session), 5 - mid summer session