Teacher, Teacher, What do you see?
Young Toddlers 1’ and young 2’s
Level 1
YOU SEE: Running! – They are not interested in music.
WE SEE: Exploring, learning, coping, exercising,
WHAT WE DO: Safety is the standard – if your child’s movement/speed becomes unsafe feel free to hold their hand while they work through fast movements or scoop them up for a squeeze and a little dance in your arms.
YOU SEE: My child takes too long to put things away, or runs away, cries, throws a fit when it’s time to put them away.”
WE SEE: A child having fun with the instruments and wanting more time to hold, explore, and play trying to communicate how hard this is t transition. We see valuable opportunity to manage disappointment.
WHAT WE DO: Breathe, Slow it down, empathize and provide two positive choices to help the child be successful.
YOU SEE: My child throws a fit after they put something away or willingly give another child a turn with something.
WE SEE: When deciding if they would fight the limit or comply your child complied even though it was hard and then, because they didn’t fight it, their body had to release the adrenaline it built up.
WHAT WE DO: Breathe with and for them, help them stay safe. It was hard and yet they did it!
YOU SEE: “My child wants to sit with any adult but me”
WE SEE: - A child who feels confident that their grownup is nearby so they can explore and socialize. YAY for safety
YOU SEE: My child is interrupting the story by standing in front of and touching the book.
WE SEE: A child who loves books and is read to a lot at home, learning to read in a group.
WHAT WE DO: Acknowledge what the child is pointing to “You wanted us all to see the….”. Remind them to sit on the story blanket so that others can see (yes we will have to say this often during story time, the younger the toddlers the more frequently we will be reminding them)
YOU SEE: Hiding –
WE SEE: So many reasons for a child to hide so we get curious. – Is your kiddo playing a familiar game because it feels safe? Trying to cope with the stimulation of class by creating some distance and finding space? Are they enjoying the special attention they get when their grownup comes to find them.
YOU SEE: My child wants only wants to do something when we are finished with it – or they’re just easing into class when class is almost over.
WE KNOW – It takes toddlers longer to process and sometimes they’re ready to get going just about the time we’re ready to be finished. With more repetition they will be able to process faster and be able to jump in sooner.
WHAT WE DO: We slow it down and offer lots of repetition within the class and week to week.
YOU SEE: Wanting to get out the door, wanting to get in the door, wanting to climb the walls.
WE SEE – A curious toddler whose job is to find where the boundaries and in order to do this they HAVE to find where the edge is and how firm the limit is.
WHAT WE DO: Calmly and assertively state and keep the limits consistent. Try out “First, Then” communication to help them organize their time. For example: “First the guitar, then we open the door and wave goodbye.”
What we don’t expect to see
Toddlers sitting in a circle in parents laps.
Observing, copying and responding all or even most of the time
We don’t expect to see ease in sharing or taking turns
We do expect to see
We do expect a majority of large motor work being practiced (that means lots of movement)
We do expect that your child will love stop and go games.
We do expect to see lots of struggles taking turns and putting things away. That means attempting to take an instrument/prop from other adults and children (don’t worry we can help with that).
We do expect that every child is on a unique arc of growth and development, cognitively, socially, emotionally, physically.
We do expect that adults are willing to support their children and help to keep the classroom a safe place to make mistakes and learn (we will help provide the tools to make class a success for adults and children).
When is my Young Toddler REady for LEvel 2
Children ready for Level 2 show many of the following characteristics:
Improved walking skills, feet are together, knees flexible vs. the “just walker” who has a wide-based legs apart gate with locked knees
Beginning to imitate/explore a variety of traveling movements —run, jump, leap
Can reliably point to correctly identified body parts
Can follow two-step direction
Understands what “one” means vs. a handful
Is learning to use toys and objects in symbolic ways, moving beyond just enjoyment of sensory properties
Can interact in a directed activity
Is able to shift attention with transition
Connects to an activity; initiates a play sequence
Reliably responds to own name, referring to self by name in secure environments
Uses gestures and language to deal with frustration, as apposed to just crying or whining
Sustains interest and attention in activity for several minutes (Note: not wanting to give something up such as bells or sticks, can be a sign of maturation)
Can express wants and needs symbolically (gestures, words)
Has vocabulary of 20 words; receptive language is still stronger than expressive
Reads with caregiver cooperatively. Can select a book, sit, relate to the story and interact.
Is interested in what other children are doing
Is capable of distal communication, such as following verbal instructions from farther away
Moves to music, perhaps to steady beat