Teacher, Teacher, What do you see?


Older Toddlers 2’s and 3’s

YOU SEE: Running! – They are not interested in music..

WE SEE: Exploring, learning, coping, exercising,

WHAT WE DO:  Safety is the standard – if your child’s movement/speed becomes unsafe feel free to hold their hand while they work through fast movements or scoop them up for a squeeze and a little dance in your arms.

YOU SEE: My child is interrupting the story by standing in front of others and touching the book or talking out of turn. 

WE SEE: A child who loves books and is read to a lot at home and wants to share what they understand.  They are still learning to read in a group.

WHAT WE DO:  Acknowledge what the child is pointing to “You wanted us all to see the….”.  Remind them to sit on the story blanket so that others can see (yes we will have to say this often during story time, the younger the toddlers the more frequently we will be reminding them)

YOU SEE: My child refusing to play the instrument, take a turn, do the dance, say hello.  They’re being difficult.

WE SEE:  Your child is trying out their right to pass on things we do in class.  They are showing they have their own thoughts and ideas.

WHAT WE DO: Learning when to pass on things will be a skill that will help them throughout their adolescent years.  It’s important to breathe and acknowledge the child’s choice to pass. Be sure not to give passing any more or less attention that playing.  It simply is a choice.  While we want children to feel safe passing, we don’t want to give it more power than it deserves. If/when your child feels disappointed because they chose to pass but changed their mind after the activity was over, your teacher will guide you and them through it.  Breathe, we can all handle it together.

Compared to Level 1 in Level 2 we see

Less Running,

Less climbing

More copying - scaffolding

More cooperative play and music making.

Beginnings of turn taking and sharing.

Much more control of body and awareness of their body in space.

Processing speed is going faster. –

More reliance on verbal (and less reliance on non-verbal) communication.

When is my toddler ready for Level 3

Children ready for Level 3 show many of the following characteristics:


  • Has a taller, thinner, adult-like appearance

  • Balances on one foot; two foot jumps in place without falling

  • Holds crayons in pincher grasp rather than fist


  • Can do matching games

  • Knows some basic shapes and colors

  • Has developing divergent thinking skills (“What animals do you like?”)

  • Is beginning transition from concrete to abstract thinking; humor aids this process

  • Sits and listens to stories for up to 10 minutes


  • Recognizes needs of another person; can be empathetic

  • Separates from caregiving adult without crying

  • Shows development of humor


  • Is beginning to master rules of language; speaks in full sentences (4-5 words); asks questions

  • Has a vocabulary that increases from 300-1,000 words

  • Can relate a series of activities; tells stories (“We went to the grocery store, then to grandma’s and I played with the kittens.”)


  • Recognizes the needs of others

  • Turn taking becomes harder than it was earlier, but beginning to understand reason

  • Is learning about patience


  • Recites rhymes

  • Sings simple, whole songs